
Having 5 children to care for in Uganda, and years of international experience working as a security guard in Iraq, Alice was accustomed to traveling abroad to work and support her family.
After an agent promised her a job and helped her with her paperwork, Alice excitedly arrived in Asia in February 2012.
Another Ugandan woman met her at the airport and told her that she owed $5000USD, but there was no job. The only job was prostitution.
Alice was shocked and terrified, and when she refused to work on the streets she was repeatedly beaten, threatened, and eventually thrown out of the house. 
After months of living on the streets and begging for food, Alice found her way to her consulate, who put her in touch with us (Red Oak Hope).
Since Alice had already been in the country for over 6 months, her visa had expired. By the time we (Red Oak Hope) met her, she was not only trapped by her lack of $1000 for a plane ticket home and her trafficker who continued to make threats... she was now stuck due to an additional $800 in immigration fines and a complicated legal process to apply for an exit visa to return home. 
Alice told us (Red Oak Hope) she thought she would die here-- either on the streets, by the hands of her trafficker, or in a local prison. 
We worked to help Alice get an apartment while we navigated the complicated immigration system. After nearly 3 months, Alice received an exit visa and was allowed to leave the country.
Throughout those three months, we (Red Oak Hope) met with her weekly to listen, encourage, and help her plan for her future. During that time, we fell in love with this bold woman who challenged our perspective on humanity, faith, and courage in ways we never imagined.
On September 1, 2012, Alice returned home and was greeted by her children.
Alice wants the world to know her story so others will not go through the same. She specifically asked us to share her face and name with you.