My Kids Lately
A short series of photos from my life as a parent recently.
A short series of photos of Silas and Gloria from last week. For every beautiful moment, there's a "Hmph!" or "waaahhhh" or "⚡Cough ⚡cough ⚡cough⚡" in the background. Sometimes, it's enough for me to just lay down and play nap time instead of engaging with my life. It takes so much hard work to be present and practice thankfulness! Thank you to all the parents out there that are honest about how tough parenting is and the encouragement to keep going!
Gloria’s Sick Week
A few photos from parenting this week with sick kids.
My poor baby had a really tough week (lice - the shower cap was an attempt at a mayo all day treatment, a bad cold, a stomach flu). Every day was filled with lots of highs and lows for her (enough energy to make a leaf pile followed by a crash with chills and exhaustion , active enough to paint a canvas board followed by staring off into the distance). Silas even went out to Gloria's window and called for her (he refers to her as "Gaaa!!"). Thank you to everyone that reached out and offered support!
Last Day of Kindergarten
Photos from a small celebration for the end of school year and first day of summer.
We celebrated the last day of school and first day of summer with some dear friends in the neighborhood playing on a splash pad, drinking capri sun and and chatting outside in the shade. I love these sweet moments with friends letting the kids play and be free while we get to have a moment of rest.